The support to achieve your life goals

We can help with finding employment, upskilling with training, or receiving health support

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We believe in our customers. 
We’re with you every step of the way. 

At MAX, we listen to you to understand your needs and goals, as well as your fears and anxieties.

We can support you in:
- your search for employment
- your potential to upskill with training, or 
- your allied health needs.

We focus on achieving the best we can for you and make sure you feel valued. 

Our staff are on the ground in your community.

Tell us your story. Talk with someone from our friendly customer service team to get started.

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Supporting you to achieve your goals


We understand local needs and employment opportunities - we build relationships with employers to connect you to suitable local jobs.


As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), we understand that when someone develops greater skills, the result is greater capability and boosted confidence - opening doors to the right job and a brighter future 


Our health and assessment services support the needs of individuals. We provide people with the tools, knowledge and confidence to manage their health, opening up new opportunities.